13 January 2013

oh right. i'm back.

For over a month now, I have been back in the sweet state of Ohio.  It's not always been easy, I miss Cape Coast a lot.  I want to be able to walk down to the ocean and let the waves roll away my stress.  I want to wander through the streets and meet my friends.  I want to finish the projects that I started.  I want to eat some jollof.  But I can't.  At least, not yet.

I think I will continue to update this occasionally with plans for a return trip in May.  I don't have the money, but somehow it's going to happen.  (So if any of you lovely readers happen to have some frequent flyer miles or a few thousand dollars gathering dust somewhere, I'd gladly take that off your hands!)  Also, I may add some travel/packing tips and other musings.

Finally, one big project that I got to be a part of (and will do my best to continue to stand by) is really stinking cool.  We started a blog for it and you can see that by clicking HERE.  There's an update coming soon, along with information about how people can support the library through monetary donations.  If there are any questions, I will accept any and all inquiries!

Tomorrow morning I will set foot in my first lecture hall since June.  Wish me luck!

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